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Comptron provides a fully integrated system designed by people who have been dealers themselves and have been involved in the business for over 25 years. |
Gayland Yarbrough Chief Bottle Washer I've been involved with Comptron since 1985 and love working with the current staff, we have a lot of fun. They are top notch people, the best we've ever had. I am honored to work with my wife, one daughter, two brothers, one sister, one sister-in-law and the rest are dear friends. -
Favorite Foods: Homemade Ice cream, Pudding, Sushi and Mashed Potatoes -
Favorite Sport(s): Arizona D-Backs Baseball and Arizona Wildcats Basketball -
Ford, Chevy, or Mopar: GM, Pre-42 Ford, All Muscle cars -
Favorite Song: Southern Gospel -
Favorite Animal: One that doesn't lick me -
Favorite Activity: Dirt Bikes, Water Sports, Cruising of any kind -
Favorite Car of All Time: 35 Hudson and 65 GTO -
Favorite New Car: Viper -
Favorite Motorcycle of All Time: Valkyrie -
Favorite New Motorcycle: I still like my Valkyrie -
Country You'd Most Like to Visit: Australia -
What If You Had a Week to Yourself: Skin Diving & Beach Bumming -
Additional Thoughts:: This is the best supported, most bullet proof system on the market today. |